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Triider is one of the biggest services marketplace in Brazil.
Imagine being able to find a good professional for a service you need to do in your house, reading what other clients have to say about him, hiring him and paying him through a simple plataform. This is what Triider does.
I was the first UX Designer of this startup, and one of my first challenges once I got there was to find out why clientes would often order services on the plataform but they would not hire them. We had a conversion rate between ordering a service and actually hiring it of around 20 - 24%, which was very low. One of our main goals that semester was to increase hiring and having at least 1000 hirings through the app in one month, so I needed to understand better why people were giving up during the process and improve it.
We had a clear view on what we needed to do: improve the conversion rate of services hirings through the app. The app was outdated and had never before had any UX work done on it, so we knew this could be caused by many issues.
We decided to tackle this issue in a Design Sprint.
I was the facilitator and the UX Designer for this particular design sprint. We had a multidisciplinary team participating on it, counting with people from Marketing, Technology, Customer Success and even the CEO.
During the design sprint many ideas came up, but the onde that stood out the most and we decided to test it out was the one where we felt like the proposal value of the product was not clear for the client.
Triider has 4 strong competition pillars: You can make your payment in 6 instalments, you have a service guaranty, all the professionals go through a rigourous selection to be in the plataform and Triider offers a 24/7 custome service in case anything goes wrong.
We called some clients and found out they didn't know about any of this pillars. Through the journey of finding a professional and hiring him on the app, we did not offer this information at any point, so the costumer would rely only on our makerting to know about this. We needed to have our selling points made clear in the aplication.
The Design Sprint
Design Sprint
How did we test it?
User testing
Once we all agreed during the design sprint that we were going to tackle the "proposal value" issue, me and a reduced team started to work on a prototype. First we wrote a script of what the prototype should show and the order of the events. Here is what we decided:
1) The app did not have a first use on board and we could showcase our values during the onboarding. Though this was important and we decided to draw it, it was not the main focus of the prototype solution;
2) Onde the user finished describing the service he wanted to hire (through a step by step form), he would be shown some informations such as the payments instalments and the customer support;
3) We would work on the professional profile on the app to show the user that we had a rigorous selection process to allow a professional to offer services on the plataform and we would also highlight the other customers ratings of the professionals
4) Once the customer decided to hire the professional, we would inform him about the service guaranty we offered.
Some of these points came from previous user interviews we made - such as the importance of having a clear vision of other customer's rating of one professional. We joined all this knowledge that we had gathered previously and started to work on a high fidelity prototype/
Our prototype was made first by hand, in some paper sheets, and once we all agreed on it I designed the prototype on Adobe XD. The picture above is some flow examples.
This are some examples of the screens we tested on the prototype. To actually do the testing, we went to a university campus and did some guerrilla testing, and it worked really well. We had some iterations on the prototype, for instance:
1) We notice that people wouldn't remember things like "You have 24 hours customer support" or that you could divide your payment up to 6 instalments on the plataform.
We decided to break each information into one screen for each point and use pictures + title that enforced this informations. This seemed to work really well because once people finished seeing the new prototype they could name the advantages of using the app way better than on the first version of the prototype we made, where all the information was showed in just one screen.
2) We also noticed that there was specific moments to present the different points of each value the product had to offer. For instace, we would only talk about the service guaranty once the customer would check the service rates he received for the first time. We also mentioned that the professional had been verified only when the customer went to see a professional profile.
By understanding WHEN the person would become preocupied with this information (How do I pay it? How is this professional selected? and much more...), we could be way more assertive in showing the information on the right point of the user's journey.
Developing, launching and measuring it
UI Design
Assets delivery
Measuring results
After the testing, we all sat down on the same group that participated on the Design Sprint and we talked about the next steps. Everyone agreed that this was an important step to achieve one of our goals that semester: having 1000 hires through the app per month, and that we should prioritize the solution. That's when I started to make the screens for delivering it for the developers and, right after, the new feature was launched.
We acompanied several metrics that we had established that we needed to see improvement in case this feature was successful and honestly we were very impacted with the results:
In the two months between beggining this work, launching and having people actually using the new feature, we had a increase in the hiring convertion rate from 21% to 47%. It's important to note that for this type of marketplace, the conversion rate is usually 18 % - 20%.
In this same two months we finally achieved the 1000 hirings per month too, and kept growing!
This was an extremely fundamental and succesful feature that this group was able to create and the results of it speaks for themselves.
What I learned from this project?
This was a fundamental project for me because it was the first time that I could do the whole design process as I learned to love how to do it. We went from a clear business objective, did a lot or research, runned a design sprint, found a key point to work on, tested it, delivered it and measured it to find it succesful. Here are some highlights:
I definitely found my love for co-creation during this project. It wouldn't have turned out so amazing if I had to solve it by myself, which was the way I was used to design since having this opportunity. I also started to love facilitating co-creations and helping out people to see that creativity is something you can exercise instead of a natural born talent.
I started to love guerrilla testing! Going out on the streets and inviting strangers to chat about your feature is an easy and cheap way to achieve some insights in a very fast way.
Iterating your prototype as you teste can be very helpful - once we noticed that our "one screen show all information you need to know" wasn't working, we opened Adobe XD right away and tested something different - and it worked. Prototyping needs to be fast and not miss any chances.
Measuring is the only way to know if you achieved what you wanted. For this Design Sprint we made it clear which data we needed to monitor in order to know if the feature was working and it was really important that we did it to justify our work.
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